Today my Dad went to the Royal Mail depot to collect a couple of parcels for me, when he returned he had quite a few boxes and I knew what most of them are but one I just couldn't think what it could be. I racked my brains thinking of all the things I'd ordered recently but none of them fitted the size or shape of the box... So I ripped it open to find.. A CUPCAKE PUZZLE!!!! Some of you may not realise, but I am obsessed with cupcakes... Ever since I was a teenager I have loved them... I have pictures, posters, candles, bath products, jewellery, figurines and even tattoos of them everywhere. I have never seen a cupcake puzzle before so I thought this was seriously cool! There was a card in with the parcel, which I have to say is possibly the prettiest card I have ever seen:

I opened it and found out the lovely person who had sent me this gift, totally out of the blue was... Sarah! (FoudOnFilm) She is one of the lovely girls who reviewed some of my soaps on youtube and we have developed a little friendship online. She wrote some really kind words that touched me and really cheered me up.

I have sent her an email telling her how grateful and touched I am by her surprise present, I really was so thrilled to receive it. It gives me faith that there are lovely people out there :) So Thank You Sarah, you have made my day!! Week infact!
Today is mine and my boyfriend's 3rd anniversary! 3 years ago today we shared our first kiss! A few weeks later we became an "official couple" but neither of us can remember the date of that... I've been suffering from a cold this week but today I feel a bit better but didn't really fancy going out anywhere, and neither did he so we got a chinese meal for 2 from good old Asda and it was actually really yummy!!

Dean hates having his picture taken and whenever we try get on together they always end up look crap.. But I managed to get a reasonably decent one of him here... Bless him
Awww what a lovely surprise pressy!! Happy Anniversary xxx