Day 1: A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

1. When I was 3 or 4 I got my thumb trapped in a patio door and had to be taken to A&E. I now have a scar around the top of my thumb.
2. I am 5 ft 2 and have size 3 feet.
3. I left school when I was 13.
4. My first pet was a rabbit called Flopsy.
5. I am terrified of clowns, spiders, vomiting, knives and dressed up people like Pudsey Bear.
6. I make soaps.
7. I've had 3 "serious" boyfriends and only ever kissed 7 people.
8. I have very vivid dreams, I have at least 5 every night and can remember them all very clearly.
9. I LOVE True Blood & Sex and the city.
10. I burn wax melts every day in my house so it smells gorgeous. I LOVE candles, wax melts, room fresheners...
11. My guilty pleasures are property and food programs.
12. My favourite animal is a goat. 2nd, is a dog.
13. If food resembles vomit I will not eat it.. e.g soup.
14. I wear ear plugs when I sleep.
15. I talk to my dogs and cat constantly, in a little baby voice.
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