Day 03- A picture of you and your friends

This was taken on my 21st birthday this year. I don't have many photos of me and my friends. I really have a few friends. This is Jasmine, on the left with the rose tattoos and Tess is in the middle. I'd count these as my best friends. I have other acquaintances I guess... but these are the two I see regularly and know about my problems. I do feel my friendship with Carina is growing stronger though, which I'm happy about. We seem to have a lot in common and she's mature and not bitchy.
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Hmmm. I could easily write "the fact I think about being sick all the time" but I won't. Save that story for another time.
I wish I didn't bite my nails, I've never had lovely long, feminine nails.. They aren't horrible bitten and stubby like some peoples are..but they're always short :( I also pick at my head a lot..any little spot or something on my head (hair) i pick pick pick. I also pluck my eye lashes out with my fingers, and now have hardly bloody any eye lashes and it looks awful. ALSO I pluck out my right eye brow when I watch telly without realising. Weirdo.
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